~1 med chicken breast, diced
~cajun spice to taste
~ground pepper to taste
~2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
~1 can Dei Fratelli pizza sauce (the best pizza sauce!!)
~1 pkg. Betty Crocker pizza crust (just add hot water)
~1 cup Mozzerella cheese; shredded (I have used fat free)
~2 garlic cloves, minced
~1 tomato, chopped
~1 small onion, chopped (red or white)
~1 small green/red pepper, chopped if desired
~1-2 tsp. dried basil or 3 fresh leaves, chopped
Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees;
Fix pizza dough according to package. Spray cooking spray on pizza pan or baking sheet. Form pizza dough into circular shape or square. In a skillet, heat evoo & add diced chicken. Season chicken with pepper & cajun spice, toss to coat. Cook chicken approx 4 minutes on each side or cooked thru. Remove from heat, and set aside. Mix together the pizza sauce & dried basil in a bowl. Spread sauce onto pizza dough; sprinkle mozzarella onto sauce. Arange chopped veggies & minced garlic over the shredded cheese; add chicken on top. *Tip* Do not over accessorize your pizza with sauce & toppings, b/c it will make dough soggy. Instead try using minimal sauce, and set aside extra for dipping ;)
Bake for approx 15 minutes, or until cheese is fully melted & crust is golden brown.